Job Offers

DESY offers challenging tasks in an international setting

For versatile and challenging tasks in an international environment DESY is seeking dedicated employees in the field of natural sciences, engineering and also in the technical and commercial sector.

Occupational group

Employment Type


Title Occupational group Employment Type Location
Technician for Detector Development Skilled workers Experienced professionals Zeuthen
Postdoc for the development of the TEMPUS X-ray detector system Science Postdoc Hamburg
DESY-Fellowships in Photon Science Science Fellowship Hamburg
Verwaltungsangestellte (w/m/d) als Controllerin, Betriebs- oder Verwaltungswirtin im Fördermittelmanagement Administration Experienced professionals Hamburg
Theoretical Physicist working on elliptic integrability Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Assistenz (w/m/d) für das neue Besuchszentrum DESYUM Administration Young professionals Hamburg
Section Liaison Officer in the Base4NFDI initiative Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Staatlich geprüfte Technikerin (w/m/d) in der Reinrauminfrastruktur Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Hamburg
Postdoctoral Researcher Science Postdoc Hamburg
Betriebselektronikerin (w/m/d) Skilled workers Experienced professionals Hamburg
Informatikerin oder wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin (w/m/d) für die Neueinführung von MyCoRe als Publikationsrepositorium Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Beamline Ingenieur P02.1 Engineering and Technology Young professionals Hamburg
Deputy speaker (Referent:in) of the speaker of the Helmholtz program MML Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Scientist optical synchronisation systems Science Young professionals Hamburg
Mitarbeiterin als Bibliothekarin (w/m/d) in der DESY Bibliothek Administration Young professionals Hamburg
Feinwerkmechanikerin (w/m/d) für Vakuumsysteme von Beschleunigern Skilled workers Experienced professionals Hamburg
Studentische Hilfskraft (w/m/d) zur Unterstützung der wissenschaftlichen Infrastruktur (15 bis 20 St./W.) Science Student jobs Hamburg
PhD scholarship in plasma astrophysics/ astroparticle physics Science PhD student Zeuthen
Scientist (Postdoc) for Scanning Microprobe Endstation at Beamline P25, PETRA III Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Cyber Security Architect IT Young professionals Hamburg
Scientist X-ray Beamline P64 Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Research assistant for AAI and federated services project ROCK-IT Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Versorgungsingenieurin (w/m/d) Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Zeuthen
Scientist in charge of beamline P10 Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Messplatz Ingenieurin (w/m/d) Fachrichtung Physikalische Technik für die Strahlführung P65 Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Hamburg
Mikrotechnologin (w/m/d) Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Hamburg
Auszubildende als Industriemechanikerin (w/m/d) Engineering and Technology Apprenticeship Zeuthen
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin als Bauinformatikerin (w/m/d) Skilled workers Experienced professionals Hamburg
Auszubildende als Elektronikerin (w/m/d) für Geräte und Systeme Engineering and Technology Apprenticeship Zeuthen
Technician with specialization in chemistry Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Hamburg
Duales Studium Bachelor Informatik inkl. Ausbildung zur Fachinformatikerin (w/m/d) IT Apprenticeship Hamburg
Duales Studium für den Bachelor of Science (w/m/d) Elektrotechnik Engineering and Technology Apprenticeship Hamburg
Auszubildende als Industriemechanikerin (w/m/d) Feingerätebau Engineering and Technology Apprenticeship Hamburg
Auszubildende als Elektronikerin (w/m/d) für Geräte und Systeme Engineering and Technology Apprenticeship Hamburg
PhD position at BELLE II experiment Science PhD student Hamburg
Laser Scientist Science Experienced professionals Hamburg
Postdoc for a networked atomic clock experiment for ultralight dark matter Science Postdoc Zeuthen
Science Engineer - Computing and support of the CTAO onsite data centre IT Experienced professionals Zeuthen
Instrument Scientist (Gamma Rays and UV) in Astroparticle Physics Science Postdoc Zeuthen
Projektingenieurin (w/m/d) für die technische Gebäudeausrüstung Engineering and Technology Experienced professionals Hamburg
DESY-Fellowships in Photon Science Science Fellowship Hamburg


78 records